Плагин ManHunt | Компас охотника отслеживания игроков для сервера Minecraft
Описание плагина ManHunt:
ManHunt - это необычайно простой плагин, добавляющий полноценный компас охотника на Ваш сервер. Данный компас способен отслеживать игрока и показывать направление последнего места его пребывания. Данный плагин крайне легок в использовании, не имеет много команд, но способен обеспечить Вас и Ваших друзей хорошим настроением, придумав различные игры и соревноваться на время в выживаемости.
Основные команды плагина ManHunt:
/selectrunner [никнейм игрока] или /runner [никнейм игрока] - выбирает определённого игрока-жертву.
/getcompass или /compass - выдаёт Вам компас для отслеживания игроков (подойдёт только для охотников).
Основные права плагина ManHunt:
- manhunt.command.selectrunner - выдаёт доступ к команде /selectrunner [никнейм игрока] или /runner [никнейм игрока].
- manhunt.command.getcompass - выдаёт доступ к команде /getcompass или /compass.
Конфиг плагина ManHunt:
# #
# #
# Name
compass-name: "&eTracking Compass"
# Lore (text underneath the name)
- ""
- "&7Right-click to get the runner's"
- "&7last known location."
# #
# #
# Whether or not to clear everyone's inventory upon selecting a runner using /selectrunner <name> (the tracking compass is added to the hunters' inventories after this)
# Default: true
selectrunner-clear-inventory: true
# Whether or not to fully heal everyone's health, hunger and saturation upon selecting a runner
# Default: true
selectrunner-heal: true
# Whether or not to set the time to day (0 ticks) upon selecting a runner
# Default: true
selectrunner-daytime: true
# Whether or not to set the weather to clear upon selecting a runner
# Default: true
selectrunner-clear-weather: true
# Whether or not to play a sound when a hunter uses their tracking compass
# Default: true
compass-use-play-sound: true
# Sound to play if the above option is true - list of sounds: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
compass-use-sound: UI_BUTTON_CLICK
# Whether or not to remove tracking compasses from dropped items upon death
# Default: true
remove-compass-on-death: true
# #
# #
# When a runner has been successfully selected using /selectrunner <name>
selectrunner-success: "&6%player% &ahas been selected as the runner."
# When the player specified to be the runner is invalid
selectrunner-invalid-player: "&cInvalid player specified. Are they offline?"
# When no player was specified to be the runner
selectrunner-no-player-specified: "&cYou must specify a player to be the runner."
# When a hunter has successfully given themself a new tracking compass using /getcompass
getcompass-success: "&aYou have been given a new compass."
# When a runner tries to give themself a tracking compass
getcompass-executed-by-runner: "&cOnly hunters can use this command."
# When a player with no role tries to give themself a tracking compass
getcompass-no-role: "&cYou don't have a role."
# When the console tries to give itself a tracking compass
getcompass-executed-by-console: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player."
# When a hunter uses their tracking compass and it successfully points towards the runner's last known location
compass-use-success: "&aCompass pointing towards &6%player%&a's last known location."
# When a hunter uses their tracking compass but the runner is not online
compass-use-runner-offline: "&cThe runner is not online."
# When the runner tries to use a tracking compass
compass-use-by-runner: "&cOnly hunters can use this."
# When a hunter tries to use their tracking compass but the last location of the runner is not known (this should never happen through normal gameplay, so don't worry about it)
compass-use-location-unknown: "&cLast location is not known."
Как установить плагин?
1. Скачайте плагин.
2. Из архива возьмите скачанный файл и перенесите в папку plugins вашего сервера.
3. Перезапустите сервер.
4. Готово.
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